They built the world as we know it and were the first sparks of life for the fires of growth and evolution. Radove’en and all the Creators are known paradoxically as plural and singular, male and female, good and bad, life and death.
- Bartolm, Archmage and creator |history of maigicks| ~75BP
Norholm (cont’d)
Bartolm’s Hut - a secluded location for Treland’s oldest forest mage. Many secrets about creation are kept in this humble hovel.
Oak Tribe - Chief Illithor and his tribe are most focused on a spiritual connection to nature and extract strength from the very roots of the Black Oak that protects their people. Martial Arts are held in high esteem among the members and a great warrior named Sailyn is ranked highest of their fighters.
Aspen Tribe - new evidence has uncovered strange rituals happening at the mountain top compound of the Aspen elves. Formerly led by Bartolm in ancient times, and currently led by Chiefess Celvarra the Nyxborn Elf
Known Members: Juniper the Sprite Servant of Fairy Queen Gyphan, Beleth Eladrin daughter of Yethvana, Orinell the Arborist
Erulona - Once the locale of the now departed Willow Tribe, the home of Lunessa and her kin. Now swept up in a curse that has taken the isle outside of time and is eroding the safehaven of the Dragon Valsur’Enna
dragons of eanu
*Written by Bartolm, from a Tome in his hut
In the time when gods still ruled amongst men, they would beget creatures of all makes. Any animal crafted by the gods was seen as subordinate, subjecting to the will of its creator. All besides the dragons. Requiring a mass of creation component the dragons were scarcely made; the following is a record of the dragons known to us.
Many of the dragons of Treland have been lost to history due to High Lord Viktor who was known to the dragons as the Cursed Hunter (Bahor-aurak). He had discovered the great power and magic held within the corpses of these mighty beasts and therefore had spent many years traveling to the ends of the nation to find and kill every dragon he could find. He successfully hunted a handful of wyrms and used their bodies in the search for new dark magicks. The total number is unknown but this great atrocity still permeates the history of Treland.
Valsurr’enna - “Master of the Wilderness” ancient Green Dragon, survived the hunts of Viktor with the help of the Aspen Tribe of wood elves. Made from the emerald stones by Nyx, this creature holds many secrets of the forests of Norholm. As far as Bartolm knows, the dragon still lives amongst the tribe, but it has been centuries since the Aspen have made contact with the world outside their mountainous territory.
Maurix - “The Golden Ruler'' the adult gold dragon created by Juneo’s golden component as a guardian over the humans of Kinsdale. Once Karnas took rule the dragon fled to the hills of Woldsworth where the elves helped hide him. In return Maurix gifted their tribesmen wyverns to ride and use in battle.
After Lord Viktor’s reign ended, Sir Mallor Popkin, First Knight of the Stag’s Order, took up the mantle as dragon hunter. He along with the other Stag’s Orders Knights went to Woldsworth to slay the ‘evil’ dragon; the elves knew that Mallor spoke lies and so they did not help him. Although one did meet with them secretly, named Milos Thandor. He gave up the location of Maurix in trade for a position as Governor over Woldsworth. Mallor used his political sway with the king to make it so. And thus Mallor and his men hunted down Maurix. A year later the death of Mallor was announced and Maurix was never seen again.
Lunkyst - “Moondragon” the orcs spoke of an ancient silver dragon that they claimed was borne from the silver ore of the Crag Mountains and was a friend to them in ancient times. Before their death Lunkyst assisted the orcs in their wars against the dwarves. During a final battle of those ancient wars Lunkyst killed Sarynkko and dragged its corpse back to Kaldosh the Silvervein capitol. It is known that years later the great wyrm would be hunted down and killed by High Lord Viktor. Some orcs devoted to Juneo believed the Cursed Hunter to be a spirit of retribution, a manifestation of Juneo’s anger toward Lunkyst who had killed his precious creation, Sarynkko. What became of Lunkyst’s body is unknown but the skeleton of Sarynkko makes up the Dragonsfall Bridge within the capitol and to this day the Silvervein Orcs use giant cavern lizards as mounts. Most historians say that the unnaturally large reptiles are descendants of the gargantuan dragon.
Nabtalym - “Lucky Eye” an ancient brass dragon made from amber by Juneo. It is said that he made them in order to watch over the halflings and give them good fortune. Old stories of Nabtalym coming to Denshire from the hinterlands to leave trinkets on the night of their Winter Festival are told to the wee ones.
Sarynkko - “The Red Gem” a red dragon who once guarded the wealth of the dwarves until the first war between orcs and, which some of the oldest dwarven tomes say there under the earth Moondragon and The Red Gem did battle until the hatred of the orcs and their ally overcame the dwarves and their guardian, gaining wealth and territory in the Underdark before the treaties forced by Radove’en.
Lament of Sarynkko
Your mighty wings did beat,
Your claws they did tear.
But in the end the Orcish fiends
Had too much hate to bear.
And now you’ve gone
To the immortal plane
Taken by them,
This war was in vain.
Your bright scales will burn
With the summer sun.
Your fangs will glimmer
With the winter snow.
Your fury will last,
And your rage with echo
Out for eternity.
Tyr Al'adun - “Healing Knowledge” created by Radove’en himself, an ancient black dragon that guards its master’s tower Yarahande from those unworthy of the creation lore within. Tyr Al’adun limited the amount of time Bartolm could stay within the tower and eventually asked him to leave due to his corruption. It is said that Radove’en used obsidian to create the Tyral’adun after they were inflicted by the deaths of Nyx and Juneo, in order to keep the lore and protect them from any intruders who sought to take advantage of their weakened state. After speaking with Tyral’adun, Bartolm concluded that Radove’en had become lonely and depressed in their last years, and perhaps they’d simply desired a companion.
No known names of the dragons in these lands, but there are rumors of red and gold scaled wyrms that survive the deserts and plains of Casana. Most likely created by Juneo, who used ruby and gold creation components.
Locke Islands
A drunken pirate once regaled a crowd with a story claiming to have witnessed a winged reptile lurch from the waters fly over his ship and roar as he disappeared into the jungles of the Locke Islands. Lighting sparked from his jaws and pierced the storm clouds above. Bartolm’s best guess is that this beast was a blue dragon possibly created by Berkona using pearl in Veraheim. How the beast found its way to the Locke Islands he has no clue.
The Rowdy Boys speak of a young white dragon they killed in the Last Isle of the Pearl Islands. Shaelynn spoke its name:
Zaphara - a young white dragon, Zaphara was the youngest of his siblings and was defeated by the Rowdy Boys.
Eyas gave witness to the armies of Isvanja; among the Iclings, Frost Giants, and Ogres were three remaining white dragons. A mother ancient white dragon and two adult white dragon children.
No Holds Bard: Khol-Unn’s music shoppe. Roodey is still running things and has quite the payload for Khol-Unn.
Saddleside Pub: Discount if you ride your horse in. Barkeep is working with Vipers and his pub was the location of Grunyar’s kidnapping.
Bard’s College: Concerned faculty, the presence of Vipers in the city has everyone anxious and on alert. Anything interpreted as dissent to the crown is punishable by the Order. Many professors have changed their curriculum for fear of bootlicker students/staff turning them in. A friend of Grunyar reports that he and Grunyar were set to have dinner and drinks to catch up at Saddleside. But the pub had been closed by Vipers after a brawl broke out. He went to Grunyar’s house but saw no sign of him.
Lamp Light Temple: Recently raided by Viper Knights. Any sermonizing is highly censored by the Knights, and the prayers have become vague and sterile. News of the defeat of self-proclaimed “bishop” Thelneous has reached the Temple here.
Barrel & Barley Brewery: a front for Boot & Leg Brewery, of the Locke Islands, run by a pirate named Ezrick, he and Abram used to “you know what.” He worships Lundo the Witchfey of the Sea.
Ezrick has access to the smuggling tunnels underneath the city, they lead to the Ferry, Midport, and the Keep. He lays down thin parchment over the city map and shows the old dwarven tunnels used during the Orcish Wars. Now he uses them to smuggle in Boot & Leg and other things.
Planes of Existence
Material Plane: Physical realm, existence is temporal and limited but feeling and emotion is heightened. Good things are VERY good and bad things are VERY bad. This realm was begotten as an antithesis of Oblivion and yet born out from it.
Ethereal Plane: Existing on the outskirts of physical reality is the ethereal realm. All beings must pass through it to travel to other realms, sometimes a spirit is too connected to the material plane to leave, they are made of ethereal substance but present in the physical world, this is known as a spirit or ghost. This realm was created after the first death on Eanu, before the other planes.
Astral Plane: A realm of complete bliss, the realm of the gods, and a place of eternity. After death souls gather here to meet ancestors and loved ones all in the presence of the divine. This realm was created when Juneo was killed, his essence made the realm of the sun and allowed for the spirits trapped on Eanu to have room and being in a new space.
Fey Realm: The spirits and creatures of forests, mountains, and waters spend eternity here in an unending cycle of creation and decay. One of the hardest realms to enter as it is guarded by powerful fey beings. This realm was created after the death of Nyx where she could continue her rule over the feykind.
Abyssal Plane: A place of sorrow and endless torment. A vast lifeless space filled with horrifying creatures who are ruled by their own greed and jealousy. After the Unnaming of Karnas his soul was banished here to this space just on the edge of Oblivion. This realm draws its power from the massive expanse of Oblivion, which can be seen in the sky from the Abyss.
Oblivion: A contained space of nonexistence, orbited by shards of Amarite created by the particles of souls evaporating upon entrance of Oblivion. Oblivion is beginning and end, it is the final space for any deity, soul, or spirit. Nothing survives within, it is nothing but the lack of life and existence.