Cast and Crew

The Rowdy Sagas

The Rowdy Sagas follow the original storyline of ChasmQuest, featuring your favorite adventuring group: The Rowdy Boys. Their story is the listener’s introduction into the world of Eanu and ushers in a new era of collaborative storytelling. We work hard to perfect the audio drama of actual play D&D Podcasting. The folks below have worked tirelessly to bring you the story that changed their lives.

The Rowdy Boys


Khol-Uun by Randall Hampton

Khol-Uun by Randall Hampton


Collin Allen

Khol-Uun is a half dwarf- half human bard who grew up in the great dwarven city of Ben Ness with his mother Brelinda. He was never fully accepted in dwarven society Fleeing the hostile city, he began his journey to find his uncle Grunyar. On the way he met the woman who not only taught him to fight but also taught him the basics of being a bard.

Collin lives and works around Nashville, TN. He grew up there and has been playing D&D for 10 years and has both embodied many different characters and been the DM in a few games himself. He loves nothing more than camping and reading a good book. New hobbies include editing and cosplaying for Chasmquest.

Eyas Sinthorn

Eyas Sinthorn by Randall Hampton

Eyas Sinthorn by Randall Hampton


Eyas Sinthorn -

Taylor Haydel

At a young age, the stoic and mysteriously white haired Eyas was witness to two assassination attempts. The first robbed him of his mother & 11 years of memory. The second robbed him of his sight. Not months after, an unknown magic awakened inside himself that gifted him with a magic sight and saved him from perilous flames & sure death. This half-elf’s senses are keen, and his drive for greatness as a fighter is strong. He also loves women. Like, a lot.

Taylor is a graphic designer/illustrator from Nashville, TN. He is fairly new to tabletop RPGs but loves storytelling and eating fruit. He also loves being excessively dramatic in order to fit in.

Rory Kilgannon

Rory Kilgannon by Randall Hampton

Rory Kilgannon by Randall Hampton


Brad Kinnison

Rory "The Hammer" Kilgannon is a rough-and-tumble halfling barbarian who grew up in the hills of Denshire before moving to the metropolis of Weswick, where became a cage fighter. Rory says what he thinks, when he thinks it, which tends to rub folks the wrong way.

Brad lives in Smyrna, TN with his lovely wife Delaina and their dog Rey. He is a nerd to the core, who loves Star Wars, horror movies, novels by Isaac Asimov and Stephen King, and American/Tennessee history. You can regularly find him on his day off playing disc golf at one of the many beautiful local courses.

Thelneous Gray

Thelneous Gray by Randall Hampton

Thelneous Gray by Randall Hampton


Micah Jordan

Thelneous does not know where he came from. His earliest memory is of the church, where he was orphaned and raised. As he came of age, he adopted the family name Gray to both describe his background, and more personally, his faith. He is cunning, slow to anger, and relies on his charisma and wit more than any physical prowess.

Micah is the author and voice actor for Thelneous Gray. He hails from Nashville TN, is married to the beautiful Sarah Jordan and has two wonderful Australian Shepherds named Nash and Si (pronounced sigh). He’s been playing D&D for nearly 8 years and has both Dungeon Mastered and played several characters.

Dungeon Master & Creator


Andrew Palmer

The world of Eanu, its myths, and the storyline of The Rowdy Sagas are all original material. Andrew is a librarian with over 8 years of Dungeons & Dragons experience spanning several systems and genres. He is a fan of all imaginative fiction and gains the majority of his inspiration from novelists such as, Ursula le Guin, Tolkien, George RR Martin, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, David Mitchell, and Octavia Butler.

He is also a fan of narrative driven games like, Mass Effect, Last of Us, Skyrim, and Banner Saga. He's also been known to watch a bit of Game of Thrones, Vikings, and Queer Eye. His favorite podcasts are My Favorite Murder #SSDGM and Comedy Bang Bang.

His love for audiobooks and tabletop roleplaying games married in his work on ChasmQuest. You can find him sipping coffee and reading on a porch, or running D&D programs at the Nashville Public Library.


Pirate’s Pique

Our newest addition to the ChasmQuest storytelling world, Pirate’s Pique is a short tale that takes the listener back to Treland while the Rowdy Boys cause mischief in the New Lands. Below are the cast of this mystical story.


Karaselvi “Selvi” -
Jena Altstatt

Karaselvi is a wood elf druid originally from the Sandalwood Tribe. She left the tribe at a young age, and has been wandering the wilds of Norholm (and occasionally other parts of Treland) ever since. She is generally friendly, if a little disconnected from society and averse to confrontation. While always happy to make friends on the trail, she prefers the company of her palomino horse friend Carrots. Carrots is pretty neutral. When she does break out of her solitude to bond with others, she likes to share her love of a good brew, “medicinal” herbs, and appreciation for the wilderness in general. She’ll return to the Sandalwood Tribe on occasion, to reconnect with the few members she is still close with, especially Lunessa.

Jena works for a local HIV/AIDS non-profit, spreading awareness and engagement in the community about HIV and sexual health in general. Otherwise she is essentially an old lady: enjoying baking, drinking gin, and falling asleep while reading in the sun on the porch.


Sailyn - Micah Wright

Sailyn Xilokiir of the Iron Oaken Monks is a wood elf from a prominent family originally from the Sandalwood Tribe. Sailyn unknowingly wagered his freedom in the Norholm Military Games where he fell to the deft Oak champion. This prideful act separated Sailyn from his brother and changed his destiny. As a young man Sailyn was a being of passion and excitement, seeking moments of intensity to make his blood run hot. Now, Sailyn endeavors to tame his haughty nature and find an escape from the bondage he's created so he may return to the Sandalwood and the life he left behind.

Micah loves tabletop gaming and jumped at the chance to participate in a D&D podcast. Micah enjoys woodworking, gaming and cooking. Micah's always ready for game night, keeping the dice hot and his Martinis dirty.


Janessa -

Andrew Palmer

Janessa ‘Huntress of the Night’ is a half-orc ranger who is skilled with the bow and her two kukri blades. The circumstances around her birth are a mystery but after being adopted at the age of 3 by a family in Auchtercrag she attended a school for musicians and always felt an outcast. A violent accident caused her to run away, taking only her violin into the forests of Norholm. Since then she’s become a huntress and was befriended by a dusk wolf, Midnight. An elven fighter named Kila happened upon her hermitage one day, which opened her to selling leather goods and wares to the elves of Norholm. The Restoration Festival should serve a wonderful opportunity to make some coin, if only Janessa could conquer her greatest foe, her social anxiety.

Andrew is a librarian with Nashville Public Library, he plays D&D with the teens he serves and loves spreading the good word of tabletop roleplaying games. He enjoys a good book, a good cup of coffee, and a quiet hike away from people so he can practice character voices like a madman.


Dungeon Master -
Taylor Haydel

Taylor usually plays Eyas Sinthorn on ChasmQuest, but during a recording break, he put together the Pirate’s Pique campaign writing extensive lore & backstory for the Island of Norholm. A majority of everything appearing in Pirate’s Pique is of his own creation.

When he is not recording, he works on Art, music, editing for the show, and a mixed variety of other things. He likes snowboarding, learning crafts, scary stories, and anything nature. He is currently looking for a wooden pirate ship so he can sail the seas in search of treasure and merfolk.
Serious inquiries only.