
New Patreon goal!

March 12, 2025: Hello! It’s been a minute but we wanted to let you know that we are gearing up for our next level of Patreon membership. We’re currently at $70 a month and want to make it to $100 a month! While we’ve hit this goal in the past we weren’t able to sustain it so as an incentive we will test out our new RECORDING STUDIO! We’re planning on recording a Chaos Goblin OneShot adventure that will feature audio and video using the new studio you all helped us build. Once we reach $100 a month in patronage we’ll post the adventure.

Go to to learn more and join us.

Thanks for all you who currently support us through Patreon and thank you to those who plan to support in the future,

And as always STAY ROWDY!

Image from Pathfinder’s iconic goblin themed adventure Burnt Offerings

New interview podcast!
Slide Behind my Dm screen
Available on our patreon for free

November 18, 2020: We have 2 episode of a new interview podcast. Listen as Andrew explores the world of GMing and running a TTRPG Podcast. Subscribe to our patreon for acces to more bonus material and updates or check out the first eps here for free!
Episode 1: Noah of Try Not to Die
Episode 2: Cass of The Lovelycraftians


New Chasmquest art

September 9, 2020: Below is the Rowdy Saga artwork by Randall Hampton. The first image is a collection of all the Rowdy Boys with a new CQ Typeface by Taylor Haydel, then it’s Eyas Sinthorn, Khol-Uun, Rory Kilgannon, Thelneous Gray, and last but not least Commander Leon Fite. Enjoy this beautiful immersive new art.


Pirate’s pique - a story from Norholm

January 29, 2020: Happy new year! To celebrate two seasons of amazing content we wanted to give you guys a glimpse into the expansive world of Eanu through a mini-campaign written and run by Taylor aka Eyas. The first episode has been posted and soon we’ll have bios for the characters and players! Join us in Norholm, the elves of the forest are celebrating their annual Restoration Festival, but there are darker secrets lying in wait. Janessa the half-orc ranger played by Andrew, Sailyn played by Micah Wright, and Karaselvi played by Jena Altstatt all team together in this exciting new series. Look for the Rowdy Boys again later this year in Season 3


s2e14 - heim (season 2 finale)

December 19, 2019: The epic conclusion to the most taxing season yet of ChasmQuest. Listen today to see if the Rowdy Boys survive their final battle with Elvenking Amrynn, and the power of Nordi.


s2e13 - Caverns & serpent

December 12, 2019: The Rowdy Boys make it to the Last Isle. What awaits them within the caverns?


s2e12 - Mending wounds

November 20, 2019: Now that Khol-Uun has broken Amrynn’s curse it’s time for revenge. The Rowdy Boys head to Nalda, just outside Falron to seek passage to the Pearl Islands. There’s someone at the Pearl Diver’s Inn that may be frighteningly helpful.


s2e11 - The Winter Summit

October 22, 2019: The night has finally arrived. It’s time to face Elvenking Amrynn, and confront the seemingly traitorous Khol-Uun. The Crafter’s Guild Ballroom is the perfect location for dining, dancing, and death!


s2e10 - Kindar Kindarson son of kindar

October 8, 2019: Before the Winter Summit, the boys need to investigate Falron, what they find are: DM shopkeepers, rough-housing refugees, a pissy Eyas, the mom-queen, a dead arm, Rodney the crap musician/craps magician, Rory with suit tails, deities named Tinny, and best of all, Kindar Kindarson Son of Kindar. Trust us it's one of those "had to be there" type episodes.


S2E9 - Eirwyn’s Estate

September 24, 2019: The Rowdy Boys find a find turned foe in this epic battle that concludes with some dire results. Let’s just say the market value for this home has significantly decreased.


s2e8 - alfrheim scheme

September 10, 2019: The Rowdy Boys finally reach Falron, but it’s a hard road through the mountains. The Outlanders provide some peace and rest before they initiate their plan to take down Elvenking Amrynn.


s2e7 - Marriage of Nations

August 27, 2019: An episode full of romance and mystery as the Rowdy Boys prepare to leave Aurora for Alfrheim.


s2e6 - the elder tree

August 13, 2019: The city is reclaimed, the Elder Tree must be revived for the sake of the Verakin people and those who have been afflicted with the Icling disease.


s2e5 - battle for aurora

July 30, 2019: Aurora must be reclaimed from the frost ogres and iclings. The Rowdy Boys team up with the Verakin to destroy their enemies. There’s something within the walls though that the boys hadn’t anticipated. Carnage ensues.


s2e4 - Marching North

July 16, 2019: Now that the the crew is all together, the armies must now march north to Aurora. The battle begins as the gates are brought down.


S2e3 - Changing of seasons

July 2, 2019: After facing the Iclings (Icicles) in the wilderness the Rowdy Boys must make it to Cardendale and begin preparation for the reclaiming of Aurora.


S2E2 - traitors treaties and trelanders

June 18, 2019: Horrors lie in wait in the frozen forests of Elgrheim.


Season 2 Episode 1 - On the Edge of War

June 4, 2019: First episode of the new season. Listen as the story kicks off once again with a bang!


s1e10 - Queen of Men

October 30, 2018: We’ll begin again on the morrow.

14 Queen of Men.jpg

s1e9.2 - The Hollow Mountain

October 23, 2018: “You’ll find truth at the empty mountain.” - Eyas’ Journal.

13 The Hollow Mountain.jpg

s1e9.1 - Behind Closed Doors

October 16, 2018: The boys have a lot to discuss. What lies ahead? Who can be trusted?

12 Behind Closed Doors.jpg

Announcements & Promos:

October 9, 2018: We are in the process of wrapping up Season 1 of ChasmQuest. Season 2 is set to release mid-2019. What will you do in the meantime? BECOME A PATREON MEMBER!!! And you’ll have access to bonus content between seasons and throughout the duration of ChasmQuest releases. Click the link below and join at any of the four tiers!

s1e8 - The Feckless Four

October 2, 2018: The Rowdy Boys are stranded on the beach of Loch Caite. A Verakin woman finds them, she is in distress, will the boys be heroes or failures? The Feckless Four will determine that. Listen now.

11 The Feckless Four.jpg

s1e7.2 - The Loch Caite Monster

September 25, 2018: There’s something in the water. Follow the Rowdy Boys out into the Last Lake to hunt down the beast beneath the depths.

10 The Loche Caite Monster.jpg

s1e7.1 - She’s Stone Cold

September 18, 2018: The Rowdy Boys wrap up their time at the Cardendale Outpost and on the way to Avondol tensions run high. Once at the Ox Mounter’s Pub at Avondol the PCs are able to rest and laugh over an epic wrestlin’ match.


s1e6 - Thesla Have Mercy

September 10, 2018: The Rowdy Boys make it to the Cardendale Outpost and spend the night with the Greycloak Rangers. Do you have enough courage to follow them into the thick of the Shawlands?


chasmquest live at hypericon - Q&A 

September 6, 2018: The Q&A portion from our live show at Hypericon 2018 back in July. Listen in on the DM and PCs as they answer questions from the audience. You'll here our unique philosophies and practical advice about Dungeons & Dragons, podcast inspirations, friendship, community, and many other good, good things.

s1e5 - abbot's feast

August 28, 2018: What evil lies within the Blackstone Cathedral? Find out in our latest episode “Abbot’s Feast” and join the #RowdyBoys and our guest Preston for a spooktacular good time. 


Chasmquest live at hypericon -The locke Islands

August 21, 2018: The narrative portion of our live show is now available for download and streaming! Join the Rowdy Boys on the pirate settled Lock Islands!

Locke Islands.jpg

s1e4 - Silver is a Metal & bonus ep Dolphin Bait

August 14, 2018: Hello folks! We've just posted Dolphin Bait, a Memory on the Chasm Sea and Episode 4 - Silver is a Metal. There is plenty of humor and excitement to brighten up your day as the Rowdy Boys delve into the Cold Iron Mines at Ben Iver while simultaneously delving deeper into the mysteries of the New Lands. Listen now! 


Memories on the Chasm Sea - Mashed Mashed Potatoes

August 7, 2018: Eyas puts Mashed Potatoes in Duke Eirwyn's chair.


s1e3 - new Lands New Faces

July 31,2018: Episode 3 is live! Meet new NPCs Lumen Yew and Finn Aurora, two talented individuals who leave lasting impressions on the Rowdy Boys. We also get a sneak peak into what will make ChasmQuest the story of the century... I'd say the plot thickens but I find it too cliche. Instead I'll say that this...story...slays. YASSSS QUEEN! Check it out today!


Memories on the chasm sea - Gruel fight

July 30, 2018: To help get you hyped for Episode 3 of ChasmQuest we've released ANOTHER bonus episode. 

Memories on the chasm sea - Scuttles

July 24, 2018: Memories on the Chasm Sea track the Rowdy Boys' time spent voyaging from Treland to the New Lands. Over the next 5 weeks we'll release these bonus episodes along with our full-length eps. This week's memory has the Rowdy Boys stop, drop, and rolling, and you will be too... from laughter.  


s1e2 - #RowdyBoys

July 20, 2018: Episode 2 is available! Hear the origin of the group's name the Rowdy Boys as they face their first obstacle in the New Lands. Fun and trouble await in this endlessly entertaining episode. 

caverns & Serpents bonus episode

July 12, 2018: Caverns & Serpents is an in-game D&D 5e tutorial for all our listeners who maybe aren't as familiar with roleplaying games. Our hope is that by playing D&D as our D&D characters we could both inform and entertain you the listener. Having an understanding of the basic mechanics of D&D will help you follow the epic storyline of ChasmQuest. Enjoy!


Season 1 episode 1 - the theslaning

July 3, 2018: Season 1, Episode 1 of ChasmQuest has been officially released. We will release episodes biweekly with the exception of bonus episodes! Rate and subscribe to get all ChasmQuest content as soon as it's released. Thank you for your support and we hope you enjoy the first season. 

Live bonus episode recording 

June 26, 2018: On Sunday, July 8th 2018 ChasmQuest will be performing a live bonus episode at the Hypericon convention in Nashville, TN (600 Marriott Dr, 37214). We will be hosting our episode and D&D podcasting panel from 10am-12pm. To register go to