The world of Eanu, its myths, and the storyline of The Rowdy Sagas are all original material. Andrew is a librarian with over 8 years of Dungeons & Dragons experience spanning several systems and genres. He is a fan of all imaginative fiction and gains the majority of his inspiration from novelists such as, Ursula le Guin, Tolkien, George RR Martin, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, David Mitchell, and Octavia Butler.
He is also a fan of narrative driven games like, Mass Effect, Last of Us, Skyrim, and Banner Saga. He's also been known to watch a bit of Game of Thrones, Vikings, and Queer Eye. His favorite podcasts are My Favorite Murder #SSDGM and Comedy Bang Bang.
His love for audiobooks and tabletop roleplaying games married in his work on ChasmQuest. You can find him sipping coffee and reading on a porch, or running D&D programs at the Nashville Public Library.